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Pavel Kolar
I was born in 1963 in Prague. I am married and a father of two sons and a daughter. My family and I live in a quiet area near Prague.
Since 1999, I have had the honour of acting as the head of the Department of Rehabilitation and Physical Education Medicine of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine at Charles University, and since 2008 I have also been the vice-dean of the faculty.
I am the founder of the concept of Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation and the author of the book Rehabilitation in Clinical Practice. My work includes the publication of more than 140 professional articles in Czech and foreign journals, and I participated as a co-author in many other professional publications.
I work as a teacher at various Czech and foreign universities. I have been awarded several awards, including the Medal for Merit in Pedagogical and Scientific Activities in 2003 and the Medal for Merit in the Field of Education and Science in 2007. In 2009 I was named Teacher of the Year of the 2nd Faculty of Arts at Charles University.
I am a member of many scientific societies and also act as a member of the implementation teams for the Czech national team in many sports, including hockey, football, athletics and tennis.
Together with my colleagues, I have built a unique environment focused on the treatment of the musculoskeletal system at the Centre for Movement Medicine. I look forward to your visit and believe that here you will discover the path to optimum physical health.

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Mon - Thurs 7:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m.
Fri 7:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.